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About San Pedro de Atacama

Discover the magic of the world's driest desert.

Here are some suggestions for exploring San Pedro de Atacama, an oasis in the Chilean desert famous for its rich cultural history and stunning natural landscapes.

  • Cultural heritage: Respecting and protecting archaeological and cultural sites is essential. Follow the rules and restrictions established in parks and sites of interest to preserve this invaluable heritage for future generations.

  • Respect for communities: Show respect towards local communities and their culture. Respect their traditions, customs and territories, including ceremonial events and festivities that may interrupt normal movement.

  • Cleanliness and order: Contributes to maintaining cleanliness and order in San Pedro and its surroundings. Do not leave garbage or waste in natural areas and follow recycling and waste disposal rules.

  • Archaeological and geological elements: Do not collect or damage archaeological or geological elements such as stones, fossils or archaeological remains. Take photographs to remember these moments instead of taking material memories with you.

  • Town Rules: Respect traffic rules and speed limits in San Pedro and its surrounding areas. Pay attention to pedestrians and respect crossings and traffic signs.

What to Bring

Prepare your luggage for unforgettable adventures.

Make sure to bring everything you need to fully enjoy your experience in San Pedro de Atacama, from sunscreen to appropriate clothing for the weather.

  • Cold Weather Gear: Prepare for high-altitude excursions by wearing warm and suitable clothing for cold conditions, including jackets, hats, and gloves.

  • Lightweight Desert Hiking Equipment: Opt for lightweight and comfortable gear for desert hikes, such as hiking boots, lightweight pants, and small backpacks.

  • Hydration: Due to low humidity in the region, it's crucial to stay well hydrated at all times. Carry a water bottle and drink regularly, even if you don't feel thirsty.

  • Sun Protection: Solar radiation in the desert can be intense, so make sure to apply broad-spectrum sunscreen regularly and wear sunglasses and a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

  • Preparation: If planning high-altitude excursions, consider physical preparation beforehand to acclimatize to the altitude and improve your physical endurance. Consult a doctor if you have concerns about engaging in physical activities at high altitudes.

Where to Gear Up

Prepare your expedition with quality equipment.

Find everything you need for your adventure in San Pedro de Atacama, from trekking gear to vehicle rental services and specialized guides.


Where to Stay

Find your refuge in the middle of the desert.

Discover the best lodging options in San Pedro de Atacama, from cozy hostels to luxury hotels with panoramic views.


Where to eat

Authentic flavors in the heart of the desert.

Enjoy local cuisine and unique gastronomic experiences in San Pedro de Atacama, from traditional restaurants to gourmet options.

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